I’ve been meaning to write a blog for a while, but could never quite push myself across the line. There’s a lot of reasons for this, but the chief one is, of course, laziness. This is an attempt to overcome said laziness, and force myself to write – even if it will end up more a stream of consciousness than the well-thought out posts I’d like to write. I don’t quite know where things will be going yet – whether it’s philosophy, cryptography, programming, or geo-politics. Maybe a mix of the lot.
I’m not going to expect this blog really to be
In part the motive for starting to take this more seriously is the dire state of the world at the time of writing. In particular the mockery that is being made of truth angers me, and it has made me realise that though my voice is likely small and not of much consequence, I should make use of it, and defend the freedoms that are being eroded in the western world, and the truths that are being systematically rejected.
Beware those that claim to know the truth. Instead, find people who are willing to bend to find it.